RESURRECT YOUR OLD PC! Have you ever wondered what to do with the old computer you never use because itŐs too slow, or has a small hard drive? Never fear....INTERLINK is you can use your old computer (with at least DOS 3.3) and your new computer (running DOS 6.0+) and a serial or a laplink parallel cable. Using MS DOS 6.0+ and the "interlnk" and "intersvr" DOS commands you can use the hard drive from the old machine as a second hard drive!! AND if you use Double Space to compress that hard can almost double the capacity! Installation is simple, it is better to use a laplink parallel cable, most competent computer stores will stock these, in order to achieve the highest communications speed possible (Turbo+!). Or, you can use a serial cable and communicate between your PCs at the *slower* rate of 115,200 baud!! Serial or Parallel doesnŐt really matter, just whichever port that the computer has available on BOTH computers. You must go from parallel to parallel or serial or serial! You will also need a null modem adapter-- available from Radio Shack or any computer only store (don't try to find these at X-Mart). OK, here comes the fun part: Step 1 Shut down both computers and plug the serial or laplink parallel cable WITH the null modem adapter connected to the cable to Computer A and then connect the other end to the serial or parallel port on computer B. (WHEW...what labor!) Step 2 On computer A (the newer one) make sure that the INTERLNK.EXE file is on the hard drive.Edit CONFIG.SYS and type the following command to specify the location of the interlnk.exe program. This following is an example. You can also redirect drives and printers...for more info, type "HELP INTERLNK" at the DOS prompt. device=c:\dos\interlnk.exe /drive:5 SAVE changes, exit, and reboot. STEP 3 Make certain that the INTERSVR.EXE command is on computer B (the older one) and run the program. STEP 4 Type INTERLNK on Computer A (the newer one) and they will connect. Computer B will tell you on screen the path in which the drives are redirected. For example, on computer A drive F may be drive C on the computer B (the old computer). So, to save files onto the hard drive of the old simply need to save to drive F, or whatever the drive letter is! Pretty neat, huh! If you need more information, your DOS 6 manual will tell you everything you need to know! If you refuse to look at the manual...send me e-mail and I will try to answer your questions! P.S. Interlink is an excellent method for Bulletin Board Systems to add more space quickly and easily! BTW...This text file is completely in the PUBLIC DOMAIN...I only ask that if you read it to send me e-mail at the following addresses in order that I can track the distribution path!! Thanks and have fun! DANIEL A. BYRD America On-Line: DBYRD29108 INTERNET: DBYRD29108@AOL.COM